Whitfield - traducción al francés
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Whitfield - traducción al francés

Whitfield (disambiguation)

Whitfield, family name


A combover-oriented hairstyle
That old guy who sells newspapers on the street is rocking a major whitfield.



Whitfield may refer to:

Ejemplos de pronunciación para Whitfield
1. and a Mark Whitfield, Jr.
Strykin' Ahead _ Dave Stryker _ Talks at Google
2. All right, Mark Whitfield, Jr. on the drums.
Strykin' Ahead _ Dave Stryker _ Talks at Google
3. The great Mark Whitfield Jr. on the drums.
Strykin' Ahead _ Dave Stryker _ Talks at Google
4. How about it for Mark Whitfield Jr. on the drums,
Strykin' Ahead _ Dave Stryker _ Talks at Google
5. know this man better then I do. This is Whitfield Diffie. He is the computer scientist who is
Why do People Get Bored in Museums _ Amy Whitaker _ Talks at Google
Ejemplos de uso de Whitfield
1. "C‘est comme si on m‘avait frappé dans les tripes", sanglote Gabriel Whitfield, 36 ans, en regardant sa maison ravagée, recouverte de boue et de vase, et dont tout le mobilier a été détruit.